Featured Songs
Our songs transport you to another world- where we meet our characters in the land of “GNOSIS”.
They are fun filled and descriptive as our characters seek the answer to Mother Earth’s riddle…?
Hot Spots © Ted Hamilton
A song that opens with singers and dancers commenting on the “Hot Spots” of society; how timely and appropriate. Every Premier in Australia and all overseas leaders are using the phrase “Hot Spots” to describe social problems. “HOT SPOTS” are defined as social problems that humans create.
They have reached epidemic proportions and human behaviour must be changed.
Our story addresses the social crises of Pollution, Bullying and Social/Domestic Violence.
Make Believe A Fairy Tale © Ted Hamilton
Our Heroine Aphie is alone in the land of learning, GNOSIS, where she and Jason have been transported to by Mother Earth. Aphie doesn’t know where or how to solve the problem of returning to earth and she misses her family and home.
Aphie calls for Mother Earth to help her understand the dilemma, but realises that to make the best of the situation is to imagine that it is a magical experience.
Uneasy - The Feeling of the Times © Ted Hamilton
This song expresses the anxieties of our times. Currently, we are confronted with many strange social changes; perhaps the most of any era.
When youth are faced with integrating these changes, into an acceptable lifestyle, it can create an “uneasy” feeling.
It's Just a Girl Thing © Ted Hamilton
What is a girl thing? – Aphie explains it for us…Her feelings are awakening for Jason, and she is trying to understand them herself. So she sings this song to a bewildered Jason.
Aphie started out thinking Jason was a dork, but after sharing so many adventures with him, and seen his spirit triumph over adversity, she is now strongly attracted to him.
We Can All Make A Difference © Ted Hamilton
At times, Life can make everyone feel insignificant, but it is often found that the seemingly insignificant person is a hero. When crisis emerges - like we are living through - it is often the overlooked or insignificant person that emerges to lead the way…
The lesson is that we can all make a difference, if we’re willing to change the things that we do…?
Join Us In the Enchanted Village
For further information please contact:
Athol Guy: 0419 892 123 | athol@yourmail.net.au
George Giaouris: 0295225815, 0417970500 | admin@kubesosearth.com.au